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Pon Tus Anuncios En El Idioma Del País Al Que Van Destinados. Our Ptr Informatives. The Egypt-ptc.info Ptr Ads Informatives, Are Being Made:
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If you select no, your user account will be vulnerable to hijacking (under your responsability of use). If your connection to internet uses dinamic Ips know that each time that the Ip address changes you will must do a new Login. At least initially (and regardless the configuration of the rest of devices used to get the internet conection), the group websites configuration doesn't prohibit the Login when the Ip address is being used by other user session.
Always that a user account be created from territories that are not part of the destination of sales of the website it will be considered as account created through cheats; although the software of the website will try to avoid the creation of the account, this possibility exists when the Internet provider that the user uses makes the connection through an IP address of a country that is part of the website's sales destination. You must know that this type of account would be used without respect the documents of the group and that if such circumstance is discovered the user account can be deleted according with the content of the My warnings section, the same will occur with the accounts that hide its Ip address.
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