Login Before entering data in a website, ...: it is recommend check the Url provided, to avoid Phishing cases.
Featured Links: * Maximum size 100 characters. * Tag the ad through the available colours and their meaining in the group.
Create your ads in the section Manage & create ads (the ad will also be seen by your user account)
Featured Ads: * Maximum size 200 characters for the title & 200 characters for the text.
Create your ads in the sections: Store and Manage & create ads for displaying them to the other user accounts
Geographic Targeted Visitor Put Your Ads In The Language Of The Country They Are Intended.
Pon Tus Anuncios En El Idioma Del País Al Que Van Destinados.
Egypt-ptc.info Launching Memberships. Emails Alerts, ... (internal Message Center). Email Alert When You Receive An Internal Mensaje In Our Site (im Encripted System With Ssl Protection). Very Useful For Mobiles.
Is Possible Know Whether The Message Was Read And Can Use All Languages. You Can Include Images, Redirections, Etc. The Launching Members Will Have An Example Of Use From The Admin.